QuickLogic是一家超低功耗嵌入式现场可编程门阵列 (eFPGA) IP、多核语音识别 SoC、显示器桥接和可编程序逻辑解决方案开发公司。QuickLogic是可定制超低功率传感器处理平台、显示与连接半导体CSSP解决方案的领先供应商。凭借其传感器处理平台的总体方案分析、传感器的软件算法、参考设计硬件和系统软件,QuickLogic以业界最低的功耗、成本和尺寸为智能手机、平板电脑、可穿戴和移动OEM等应用市场客户提供各种灵活的功能。
QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) enables OEMs to maximize battery life for highly differentiated, immersive user experiences with Smartphone, Wearable and IoT devices. QuickLogic delivers these benefits through industry leading ultra-low power customer programmable SoC semiconductor solutions, embedded software, and algorithms for always-on voice and sensor processing. QuickLogic’s embedded FPGA initiative also enables SoC designers to easily implement post production changes, and monetize their devices by providing hardware programmability to their end customers.
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